Paper «Eilenberg theorems for many-sorted formations» published in Houston J. Math.

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Juan Climent Vidal, Enric Cosme Llópez.
Eilenberg theorems for many-sorted formations.
Houston J. Math., 45(2):321-369, 2019.


A theorem of Eilenberg establishes that there exists a bijection between the set of all varieties of regular languages and the set of all varieties of finite monoids. In this article after defining, for a fixed set of sorts S and a fixed S-sorted signature Σ, the concepts of formation of congruences with respect to Σ and of formation of Σ-algebras, we prove that the algebraic lattices of all Σ-congruence formations and of all Σ-algebra formations are isomorphic, which is an Eilenberg’s type theorem. Moreover, under a suitable condition on the free Σ-algebras and after defining the concepts of formation of congruences of finite index with respect to Σ, of formation of finite Σ-algebras, and of formation of regular languages with respect to Σ, we prove that the algebraic lattices of all Σ-finite index congruence formations, of all Σ-finite algebra formations, and of all Σ-regular language formations are isomorphic, which is also an Eilenberg’s type theorem.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 08A68, 08A70, 68Q70

Keywords: Many-sorted algebra, support, many-sorted congruence, sat-
uration, cogenerated congruence, many-sorted (finite) algebra formation, many-sorted
(finite index) congruence formation, many-sorted regular language formation.

Visita de Yangming Li (29/06-07/07/2019)

Jun ’19Jul

El profesor Yangming Li (Guangdong University of Education, Guangzhou, R. P. China) nos visita del 29 de junio al 7 de julio de 2019, con ocasión de la defensa de la tesis doctoral de Hangyang Meng que se llevará a cabo el día 1 de julio y para realizar trabajo de investigación conjunto con miembros del equipo. El profesor Li es experto en teoría abstracta de grupos y colaborador habitual del equipo de investigación.

Defensa tesi doctoral Hangyang Meng 01/07/2019 12.30

Jul ’19

El proper dilluns 1 de juliol de 2019, a les 12.30, a la sala de graus «Manuel Valdivia» de la Facultat de Ciències Matemàtiques de la Universitat de València es durà a terme la defensa de la tesi doctoral de Hangyang Meng amb títol

Regular orbits of actions of finite soluble groups. Applications

dirigida per Adolfo Ballester Bolinches.
Esteu tots convidats.

Paper «On the Prüfer rank of mutually permutable products of abelian groups» published in Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.

The following paper has been published:
El siguiente artículo ha sido publicado:
El següent article ha sigut publicat:

A. Ballester-Bolinches, J. Cossey, H. Meng, M. C. Pedraza-Aguilera.
On the Prüfer rank of mutually permutable products of abelian groups
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4), 198(3):811–819, 2019.



A group G has finite (or Prüfer or special) rank if every finitely generated subgroup of G can be generated by r elements and r is the least integer with this property. The aim of this paper is to prove the following result: assume that G=AB is a group which is the mutually permutable product of the abelian subgroups A and B of Prüfer ranks r and s, respectively. If G is locally finite, then the Prüfer rank of G is at most r+s+3. If G is an arbitrary group, then the Prüfer rank of G is at most r+s+4.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20

Keywords: Abelian group · Soluble group · Polycyclic group · Rank · Factorisations