The paper
A. Ballester-Bolinches, Yangming Li
On S-permutably embedded subgroups of finite groups
will be published in Monatshefte für Mathematik. It is available through
We will inform about the publication details. See abstract below.
El artículo
A. Ballester-Bolinches, Yangming Li
On S-permutably embedded subgroups of finite groups
será publicado en Monatshefte für Mathematik. Está disponible en
Informaremos sobre los detalles de publicación. Véase el resumen al final.
A. Ballester-Bolinches, Yangming Li
On S-permutably embedded subgroups of finite groups
serà publicat en Monatshefte für Mathematik. Està disponible a
Informarem sobre els detalls de publicació. Vegeu el resum al final.
A subgroup A of a finite group G is said to be S-permutably embedded in G if for each prime p dividing the order of A, every Sylow p-subgroup of A is a Sylow p-subgroup of some S-permutable subgroup of G. In this paper we determine how the S-permutable embedding of several families of subgroups of a finite group influences its structure
Keywords: Finite group, Permutability, S-permutability, Maximal subgroups,
Minimal subgroups
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 20D05, 20D10, 20D35, 20F17