Talk «On products of π-decomposable groups and Hall-like theorems» by Ana Martínez-Pastor at 2021 Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference, 04/06/2021, 15.15

Jun ’21

Ana Martínez Pastor will give the talk «On products of π-decomposable groups and Hall-like theorems» at 2021 Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference, online, on 04/06/2021 at 15.15. More information:

Charla de Ana Martínez Pastor en «Finite groups in Valencia», 30/03/2021, 17.40

Mar ’21

El próximo 30 de marzo de 2021 de 17.40 a 18.25, Ana Martínez Pastor pronunciará la charla «Hall-like theorems in products of π-decomposable groups» en el congreso Finite groups in Valencia. Más información en

Paper «Finite trifactorised groups and $\pi$-decomposability» published in Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.

The following paper has been published:

El siguiente artículo ha sido publicado:

El següent article ha sigut publicat:

L. S. Kazarin, A. Martínez-Pastor, M. D. Pérez-Ramos.

Finite trifactorised groups and $\pi$-decomposability

Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 97 (2):218-228, 2018



We derive some structural properties of a trifactorised finite group G = AB = AC = BC, where A, B, and C are subgroups of G, provided that A = Aπ × Aπ’ and B = Bπ × Bπ’ are π-decomposable groups, for a set of primes π.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: primary 20D40; secondary 20D20

Keywords: finite group, product of subgroups, π-decomposable group, π-structure.