Paper «Groups whose subgroups satisfy the weak subnormalizer condition» published in Beitr. Algebra Geom.

The following paper has been published:
El siguiente artículo ha sido publicado:
El següent article ha sigut publicat:

R. Esteban Romero, F. de Giovanni, A. Russo.
Groups whose subgroups satisfy the weak subnormalizer condition
Beitr. Algebra Geom., 60(4):645–656, 2019.



A subgroup X of a group G is said to satisfy the weak subnormalizer condition if NG(Y)NG(X) for each non-normal subgroup Y of G such that X≤Y≤NG(X). The behaviour of generalized soluble groups whose (cyclic) subgroups satisfy the weak subnormalizer condition is investigated.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20E15, 20F16

Keywords: Weak subnormalizer condition, T-group, weakly radical group

Defensa tesis doctoral Francesca Spagnuolo 21/02/2017 12.00

Feb ’17

El próximo martes día 21 de febrero de 2017, a las 12.00, se procederá a la defensa de la tesis doctoral de Francesca Spagnuolo titulada «Some results on locally finite groups», dirigida por Adolfo Ballester Bolinches y Francesco de Giovanni, en el salón de grados de la Facultat de Matemàtiques de la Universitat de València.

Estáis todos invitados.


New scientific nonprofit association and journal «AGTA – Advances in Group Theory and Applications»

Dear friends,

I would like to let you know that, following the experience of the series of conferences «Advances in Group Theory and Applications», the scientific nonprofit association

«AGTA – Advances in Group Theory and Applications»

has been founded  last July. The society aims to promote and disseminate the scientific culture and the research in group theory and its applications, and it wishes to become a reference point for young people intending to start research on this subject, regardless of their geographical origin. To achieve this purpose, AGTA organizes international conferences and publishes a new journal devoted to group theory and its applications, with title

«Advances in Group Theory and Applications»

The first issue of the journal is scheduled for the first half of 2016. Our journal will be printed, but also available in open access modality on the web site of the society. There are no publication processing charges, since all costs associated with the publication and production are covered by AGTA. Papers are accepted after a rigorous peer-review process.

Attached to this message you find the flyer, while the web page of the journal can be found at

I am inviting you to visit also the web site of the society at the address

where you can find informations on the next group theory conferences, and news, historical documents and pictures which can be of interest to members of the group theory community.

Best regards, Francesco

Prof.Dr. Francesco de Giovanni
Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni
via Cintia
I – 80126  Napoli (Italy)
degiovan (at)

First announcement «Advances in Group Theory and Applications 2014 – The School» (Porto Cesareo, Italy, 3-6 June, 2014)

Feb ’14
Jun ’14Jun

We are happy to forward this announcement of Francesco Catino and Francesco de Giovanni:

Porto Cesareo, Lecce, ITDear Colleagues,

this is the first announcement of the event

(June 3 – 6th, 2014 – Porto Cesareo, Lecce)

that will take place next June in Porto Cesareo, in the splendid location of the Hotel «Lo Scoglio» (the same of the conferences Advances in Group Theory and Applications 2009, 2011, 2013).
The aim of the School is to give to young mathematicians (especially to Ph.D. and post-doc Algebra students) the opportunity to attend to a series of four intensive mini-courses on advanced topics in the theory of groups and its applications, which currently deserve high research interest.

The School is directed by F. Catino and F. de Giovanni, and the following courses will be held.

  1. E. Aljadeff (Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel): Gradings on Associative Algebras, Polynomial Identities and Generic Constructions
  2. A. Ballester Bolinches (Universitat de Valencia, Spain): An Introduction to Fusion in Finite Groups
  3. V.V. Belyaev (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia): Locally Finite Groups
  4.  H. Laue (Mathematisches Seminar, Christian-Albrechts Universitat Kiel, Germany): General Transfer Methods in Group Theory

The number of participants will be bounded to 30. Interested young scientists from worldwide may apply until February 28th, 2014 using the form which can be found at the web address

and submitting their CV. The stay of participants at the School location will be fully financed by the organization. An interactive web platform will be actived in March 2014 to provide the necessary scientific backgrounds to participants.

Full information on the School can be found at the web address

We would be very grateful if you could make extensive use of this information in your institution.

Sincerely yours,
Francesco Catino and Francesco de Giovanni

Charla Francesco de Giovanni

Abr ’13

DeGiovanniEl profesor Francesco de Giovanni, de la Università degli Studi di Napoli «Federico II», que nos visita entre el 9 y el 13 de abril de 2013, impartirá la charla titulada

Soluble groups of infinite rank

el próximo viernes día 12 de abril, a las 12.00, en el seminario del Departament d’Àlgebra de la Universitat de València (Facultat de Matemàtiques, 2º piso).

Estáis todos invitados.

Visita profesor Francesco de Giovanni

Abr ’13Abr

DeGiovanniEl profesor Francesco de Giovanni, del Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni de la Università degli Studi di Napoli «Federico II», visitará el Departament d’Àlgebra de la Universitat de València del martes 9 al sábado 13 de abril de 2013. Francesco de Giovanni es uno de los más destacados investigadores en Italia en el ámbito de la teoría abstracta de grupos infinitos con condiciones de finitud. Es autor de más de 150 publicaciones, entre ellas el libro «Products of groups» (Oxford Mathematical Monographs, Oxford, 1992), y director de 19 tesis doctorales en teoría de grupos. Es también asesor de la Red Ibérica de Teoría de Grupos.