Paper «Generalised mutually permutable products and saturated formations» published in J. Algebra

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, S. Y. Madanha, M. C. Pedraza-Aguilera.
Generalised mutually permutable products and saturated formations.
J. Algebra, 595:434-443, 2022.

doi: 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2021.12.027


We say that a group G = AB is the weakly mutually permutable product of the subgroups A and B, if A permutes with every subgroup of B containing AB and B permutes with every subgroup of A containing AB. We prove that some known results for mutually permutable products remain true for weakly mutually permutable ones. Moreover, if G‘ is nilpotent, A permutes with every Sylow subgroup of B and B permutes with every Sylow subgroup of A, we show that G^F = A^FB^F, where is F a saturated formation containing U, the class of supersoluble groups. This generalises the corresponding result on mutually permutable products.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20.

Keywords: weakly mutually permutable products, saturated formations, residuals

Paper «Nilpotent length and system permutability» published in J. Algebra

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Rex Darl, Arnold D. Feldman, M. D. Pérez-Ramos.
Nilpotent length and system permutability.
J. Algebra, 589:287-322, 2022.


If C is a class of groups, a C-injector of a finite group G is a subgroup V of G with the property that VK is a C-maximal subgroup of K for all subnormal subgroups K of G. The classical result of B. Fischer, W. Gaschütz and B. Hartley states the existence and conjugacy of F-injectors in finite soluble groups for Fitting classes F. We shall show that for groups of nilpotent length at most 4, F-injectors permute with the members of a Sylow basis in the group. We shall exhibit the construction of a Fitting class and a group of nilpotent length 5, which fail to satisfy the result and show that the bound is the best possible.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20.

Keywords: Fitting soluble group, Fitting class, injector, system permutability.

Paper «On finite p-groups of supersoluble type» published in J. Algebra

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, R. Esteban-Romero, H. Meng, and N. Su.
On finite p-groups of supersoluble type.
J. Algebra, 567:1–10, 2021.



A finite p-group S is said to be of supersoluble type if every fusion system over S is supersoluble. The main aim of this paper is to characterise the finite p-groups of supersoluble type. Abelian and metacyclic p-groups of supersoluble type are completely described. Furthermore, we show that the Sylow p-subgroups of supersoluble type of a finite simple group must be cyclic.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D20; 20D15; 20D05

Keywords: finite group; fusion system; supersolubility

Paper «On finite p-groups of supersoluble type» published in J. Algebra

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, R. Esteban-Romero, H. Meng, N. Su
On certain products of permutable subgroups.
J. Algebra, 567, 1-10.



A finite p-group S is said to be of supersoluble type if every fusion system over S is supersoluble. The main aim of this paper is to characterise the finite p-groups of supersoluble type. Abelian and metacyclic p-groups of supersoluble type are completely described. Furthermore, we show that the Sylow p-subgroups of supersoluble type of a finite simple group must be cyclic.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D20, 20D15, 20D05.

Keywords: finite group, fusion system, supersolubility

Paper «On σ-subnormal subgroups of factorised finite groups» published in J. Algebra

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, S. F. Kamornikov, M. C. Pedraza-Aguilera, and X. Yi.
On σ-subnormal subgroups of factorised finite groups.
J. Algebra, 559:195–202, 2020.



Let σ = {σi : iI} be a partition of the set ℙ of all prime numbers. A subgroup X of a finite group G is called σsubnormal in G if there is chain of subgroups X = X0X1 ⊆⋯⊆ Xn = G with Xj-1 normal in Xj or Xi/CoreXi(Xi-1) is a σ-group for some iI, 1 ≤ jn. In the special case that σ is the partition of ℙ into sets containing exactly one prime each, the σ-subnormality reduces to the familiar case of subnormality.

If a finite soluble group G = AB is factorised as the product of the subgroups A and B, and X is a subgroup of G such that X is σ-subnormal in 〈X, Xg〉 for all gAB , we prove that X is σ-subnormal in G. This is an extension of a subnormality criteria due to Maier and Sidki and Casolo.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20

Keywords: Finite group; Soluble group; σ-Subnormal subgroup; σ-Nilpotency; Factorised group

Paper «Some contributions to the theory of transformation monoids» published in J. Algebra

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, E. Cosme-Llópez, P. Jiménez-Seral.

Some contributions to the theory of transformation monoids

J. Algebra., 522:31-60, 2019



The aim of this paper is to present some contributions to the theory of finite transformation monoids. The dominating influence that permutation groups have on transformation monoids is used to describe and characterise transitive transformation monoids and primitive transitive transformation monoids. We develop a theory that not only includes the analogs of several important theorems of the classical theory of permutation groups but also contains substantial information about the algebraic structure of the transformation monoids. Open questions naturally arising from the substantial paper of Steinberg (2010) [11] have been answered. Our results can also be considered as a further development in the hunt for a solution of the Černý conjecture.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16W22, 20M30

Keywords: monoid theory, monoid action, transitive, faithful, primitive

Paper «On two questions from the Kourovka Notebook» published in J. Algebra

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, John Cossey, S. F. Kamornikov, H. Meng.

On two questions from the Kourovka Notebook

J. Algebra, 499:438-449, 2018


The aim of this paper is to give answers to some questions concerning intersections of system normalisers and prefrattini subgroups of finite soluble groups raised by the third author, Shemetkov and Vasil’ev in the Kourovka Notebook [10]. Our approach depends on results on regular orbits and it can be also used to extend a result of Mann [9] concerning intersections of injectors associated to Fitting classes.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20

Keywords: Finite groups. Soluble groups. Formations. Fitting classes. Prefrattini  subgroups. Normalisers. Injectors.

Paper “Square-free class sizes in products of groups” published in J. Algebra

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M. J. Felipe, A. Martínez Pastor, and V. M. Ortiz-Sotomayor

Square-free class sizes in products of groups

J. Algebra, 491:190–206, 2017


We obtain some structural properties of a factorised group G=AB, given that the conjugacy class sizes of certain elements in AB are not divisible by , for some prime p. The case when G=AB is a mutually permutable product is especially considered.

2010 Mathematical Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D40, 20E45

Keywords: Finite groups, Soluble groups, Products of subgroups, Conjugacy classes


Paper «On the Frattini subgroup of a finite group» published in J. Algebra

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Stefanos Aivazidis, Adolfo Ballester-Bolinches.
On the Frattini subgroup of a finite group.
J. Algebra, 470:254-262, 2017.

doi: 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2016.09.010

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D25, 20D10.

Keywords: Frattini subgroup, formations of groups.

Paper “2-Engel relations between subgroups” published in J. Algebra

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M. P. Gállego, P. Hauck, and M. D. Pérez-Ramos

2-Engel relations between subgroups

J. Algebra, 447:31–55, 2016


In this paper we study groups G generated by two subgroups A and B such that 〈a, bis nilpotent of class at most 2 for all aA and  bB . A detailed description of the structure of such groups is obtained, generalizing the classical result of Hopkins and Levi on 2-Engel groups.

2010 Mathematical Subject Classification: Primary 20F45; Secondary 20F18, 20D15, 20F12

Keywords: 2-Engel condition, 2-generated subgroups, L-connection, Nilpotency class