Paper «Nilpotent length and system permutability» published in J. Algebra

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Rex Darl, Arnold D. Feldman, M. D. Pérez-Ramos.
Nilpotent length and system permutability.
J. Algebra, 589:287-322, 2022.


If C is a class of groups, a C-injector of a finite group G is a subgroup V of G with the property that VK is a C-maximal subgroup of K for all subnormal subgroups K of G. The classical result of B. Fischer, W. Gaschütz and B. Hartley states the existence and conjugacy of F-injectors in finite soluble groups for Fitting classes F. We shall show that for groups of nilpotent length at most 4, F-injectors permute with the members of a Sylow basis in the group. We shall exhibit the construction of a Fitting class and a group of nilpotent length 5, which fail to satisfy the result and show that the bound is the best possible.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20.

Keywords: Fitting soluble group, Fitting class, injector, system permutability.

Paper «Products of finite connected subgroups» published in Mathematics

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María Pilar Gállego, Peter Hauck, Lev S. Kazarin, Ana Martínez-Pastor, and María Dolores Pérez-Ramos.
Products of finite connected subgroups.
Mathematics, 18(9):1498 (8 pages), 2020.



For a non-empty class of groups L, a finite group G=AB is said to be an L-connected product of the subgroups A and B if ⟨a,b⟩∈L for all aA and bB. In a previous paper, we prove that, for such a product, when L=S is the class of finite soluble groups, then [A,B] is soluble. This generalizes the theorem of Thompson that states the solubility of finite groups whose two-generated subgroups are soluble. In the present paper, our result is applied to extend to finite groups previous research about finite groups in the soluble universe. In particular, we characterize connected products for relevant classes of groups, among others, the class of metanilpotent groups and the class of groups with nilpotent derived subgroup. Additionally, we give local descriptions of relevant subgroups of finite groups.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D40, 20E45, 20D20, 20D60

Keywords: finite groups; products of subgroups; two-generated subgroups; L-connection; Fitting classes; Fitting series; formations

Paper «On two questions from the Kourovka Notebook» published in J. Algebra

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, John Cossey, S. F. Kamornikov, H. Meng.

On two questions from the Kourovka Notebook

J. Algebra, 499:438-449, 2018


The aim of this paper is to give answers to some questions concerning intersections of system normalisers and prefrattini subgroups of finite soluble groups raised by the third author, Shemetkov and Vasil’ev in the Kourovka Notebook [10]. Our approach depends on results on regular orbits and it can be also used to extend a result of Mann [9] concerning intersections of injectors associated to Fitting classes.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20

Keywords: Finite groups. Soluble groups. Formations. Fitting classes. Prefrattini  subgroups. Normalisers. Injectors.