Paper «On the Kegel–Wielandt σ‐problem for binary partitions» published in Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, S. F. Kamornikov, V. N. Tyutyanov
On the Kegel–Wielandt σ‐problem for binary partitions.
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., 201:443-451, 2022.

doi: 10.1007/s10231-021-01123-4


Let σ={σ_i: i∈ I} be a partition of the set P of all prime numbers. A subgroup X of a
finite group G is called σ -subnormal in G if there is a chain of subgroups X= X_0⊆ X_1⊆⋯⊆ X_n= G where, for every i= 1,…, n, the subgroup X_{i− 1} normal in X_ i or X_ i/Core_{X_i} (X_{i− 1}) is a σ_j-group for some j∈ I. In the special case that σ is the partition of P into sets containing exactly one prime each, the σ-subnormality reduces to the familiar case of subnormality. A finite group G is σ-complete if G possesses at least one Hall σ i -subgroup for every i ∈ I , and a subgroup H of G is said to be σ_i-subnormal in G if H ∩ S is a Hall σ_i-subgroup of H for any Hall σ_i-subgroup S of G. Skiba proposes in the Kourovka Notebook the following problem (Question 19.86), that is called the Kegel–Wielandt σ-problem: Is it true that a subgroup H of a σ-complete group G is σ-subnormal in G if H is σ_i-subnormal in G for all i ∈ I? The main goal of this paper is to solve the Kegel–Wielandt σ-problem for binary partitions.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20.

Keywords: Finite group; Hall subgroup; σ-subnormal subgroup; factorised group

Paper «On σ-subnormality criteria in finite groups» published in J. Pure Appl. Algebra

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, S. F. Kamornikov, X. Yi.
On σ-subnormality criteria in finite groups.
J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 226(2):106822, 2022.

doi: 10.1016/j.jpaa.2021.106822


Let σ={σ_i: i∈ I} be a partition of the set P of all prime numbers. A subgroup H of a finite group G is called σ-subnormal in G if there is a chain of subgroups H= H_0⊆ H_1⊆⋯⊆ H_n= G where, for every i= 1,…, n, H_{i− 1} normal in H i or H i/Core_{H_i} (H_{i− 1}) is a σ_j-group for some j∈ I. In the special case that σ is the partition of P into sets containing exactly one prime each, the σ-subnormality reduces to the familiar case of subnormality. In this paper some σ-subnormality criteria for subgroups of finite groups are studied.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20.

Keywords: finite group, σ-nilpotency, σ-subnormal subgroup.

Paper «On σ-subnormal subgroups of factorised finite groups» published in J. Algebra

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, S. F. Kamornikov, M. C. Pedraza-Aguilera, and X. Yi.
On σ-subnormal subgroups of factorised finite groups.
J. Algebra, 559:195–202, 2020.



Let σ = {σi : iI} be a partition of the set ℙ of all prime numbers. A subgroup X of a finite group G is called σsubnormal in G if there is chain of subgroups X = X0X1 ⊆⋯⊆ Xn = G with Xj-1 normal in Xj or Xi/CoreXi(Xi-1) is a σ-group for some iI, 1 ≤ jn. In the special case that σ is the partition of ℙ into sets containing exactly one prime each, the σ-subnormality reduces to the familiar case of subnormality.

If a finite soluble group G = AB is factorised as the product of the subgroups A and B, and X is a subgroup of G such that X is σ-subnormal in 〈X, Xg〉 for all gAB , we prove that X is σ-subnormal in G. This is an extension of a subnormality criteria due to Maier and Sidki and Casolo.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20

Keywords: Finite group; Soluble group; σ-Subnormal subgroup; σ-Nilpotency; Factorised group

Paper «On σ-subnormality criteria in finite σ-soluble groups» published in Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, S. F. Kamornikov, M. C. Pedraza-Aguilera, and V. Pérez-Calabuig.
On σ-subnormality criteria in finite σ-soluble groups.
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM, 114(2):Paper No. 94, 9, 2020.



Let σ = {σi : iI} be a partition of the set ℙ of all prime numbers. A subgroup X of a finite group G is called σ-subnormal in G if there is a chain of subgroups X = X0X1 ⊆⋯⊆ Xn = G where for every j=1,…,n the subgroup Xj-1 is normal in Xj or Xj/CoreXj(Xj-1) is a σi-group for some iI. In the special case that σ is the partition of ℙ into sets containing exactly one prime each, the σ-subnormality reduces to the familiar case of subnormality. In this paper some σ-subnormality criteria for subgroups of σ-soluble groups, or groups in which every chief factor is a σi-group, for some iI, are showed.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20

Keywords: finite group; σ-solubility; σ-nilpotency; σ-subnormal subgroup; factorised group

Paper «On formations of finite groups with the generalized Wielandt property for residuals II» published in J. Algebra Appl.

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, S. F. Kamornikov, V. Pérez-Calabuig

On formations of finite groups with the generalized Wielandt property for residuals II

J. Algebra Appl., 17 (9):1850167 (8 pages), 2018


A formation F of finite groups has the generalized Wielandt property for residuals, or F is a GWP-formation, if the F-residual of a group generated by two F-subnormal subgroups is the subgroup generated by their F-residuals. The main result of this paper describes a large family of GWP-formations to further the transparence of this kind of formations, and it can be regarded as a natural step toward the solution of the classification problem.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20

Keywords: Finite group; formation; residual; subnormality.

Paper «On a class of finite soluble groups» published in J. Group Theory

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, John Cossey, Yangming Li.
On a class of finite soluble groups.
J. Group Theory, 21(5):839-846 2018.

doi: 10.1515/jgth-2018-0015


The aim of this paper is to study the class of finite groups in which every subgroup is self-normalising in its subnormal closure. It is proved that this class is a subgroup-closed formation of finite soluble groups which is not closed under taking Frattini extensions and whose members can be characterised by means of their Carter subgroups. This leads to new characterisations of finite soluble T-, PT- and PST-groups. Finite groups whose p-subgroups, p a prime, are self-normalising in their subnormal closure are also characterised.

Paper «On two questions from the Kourovka Notebook» published in J. Algebra

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, John Cossey, S. F. Kamornikov, H. Meng.

On two questions from the Kourovka Notebook

J. Algebra, 499:438-449, 2018


The aim of this paper is to give answers to some questions concerning intersections of system normalisers and prefrattini subgroups of finite soluble groups raised by the third author, Shemetkov and Vasil’ev in the Kourovka Notebook [10]. Our approach depends on results on regular orbits and it can be also used to extend a result of Mann [9] concerning intersections of injectors associated to Fitting classes.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20

Keywords: Finite groups. Soluble groups. Formations. Fitting classes. Prefrattini  subgroups. Normalisers. Injectors.

Paper “On complements of F-residuals of finite groups” published in Comm. Algebra

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, S. F. Kamornikov, and V. Pérez-Calabuig

On Complements of F-residuals of finite groups

Comm. Algebra, 45(2):878–882, 2017.


A formation F of finite groups has the generalized Wielandt property for residuals, or is a GWP-formation, if the F-residual of a group generated by two F-subnormal subgroups is the subgroup generated by their F-residuals. The main aim of the paper is to determine some sufficient conditions for a finite group to split over its F-residual.

2010 Mathematics subject classification: 20D10; 20D20

Keywords: Finite group; formation; residual; subnormality

Paper “Normalisers of residuals of finite groups” published in Arch. Math. (Basel)

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, S. F. Kamornikov, and H. Meng

Normalisers of residuals of finite groups

Arch. Math. (Basel), 109(4):305–310, 2017


Let F be a subgroup-closed saturated formation of finite groups containing all finite nilpotent groups, and let M be a subgroup of a finite group G normalising the F-residual of every non-subnormal subgroup of G. We show that M normalises the F-residual of every subgroup of G. This answers a question posed by Gong and Isaacs (Arch Math 108:1–7, 2017) when F is the formation of all finite supersoluble groups.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D35

Keywords: Finite group, Formation, Residual, Subnormality

Paper “On subgroup functors of finite soluble groups” published in Sci. China Math.

The following paper has been published:

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Adolfo Ballester-Bolinches, Enric Cosme-Llópez, Sergey Fedorovich Kamornikov

On subgroup functors of finite soluble groups.

Sci. China Math., 60(3):439–448, 2017


The principal aim of this paper is to study the regular and transitive subgroup functors in the universe of all finite soluble groups. We prove that they form a complemented and non-modular lattice containing two relevant sublattices. This is the answer to a question (Question 1.2.12) proposed by Skiba (1997) in the finite soluble universe.

2010 Mathematics subject classification: 20D10; 20D30

Keywords: finite group; soluble group; lattices of subgroups; subgroup functors; formations