Paper «A positive extension of Eilenberg’s variety theorem for non-regular languages» published in Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comp.

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A. Cano, J. Cantero, A. Martínez-Pastor.
A positive extension of Eilenberg’s variety theorem for non-regular languages.
Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comp., 32:553-573, 2021.

doi: 10.1007/s00200-020-00414-2


In this paper we go further with the study initiated by Behle, Krebs and Reifferscheid (in: Proceedings CAI 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6742, pp 97–114, 2011), who gave an Eilenberg-type theorem for non-regular languages via typed monoids. We provide a new extension of that result, inspired by the one carried out by Pin in the regular case in 1995, who considered classes of languages not necessarily closed under complement. We introduce the so-called positively typed monoids, and give a correspondence between varieties of such algebraic structures and positive varieties of possibly non-regular languages. We also prove a similar result for classes of languages with weaker closure properties.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 68Q70, 68Q45, 20M07, 20M35.

Keywords: monoids, varieties, formal languages.

Talk «On products of π-decomposable groups and Hall-like theorems» by Ana Martínez-Pastor at 2021 Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference, 04/06/2021, 15.15

Jun ’21

Ana Martínez Pastor will give the talk «On products of π-decomposable groups and Hall-like theorems» at 2021 Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference, online, on 04/06/2021 at 15.15. More information:

Paper «Thompson-like characterization of solubility for products of finite groups» published in Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4)

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P. Hauck, L. S. Kazarin, A. Martínez-Pastor, and M. D. Pérez-Ramos.
Thompson-like characterization of solubility for products of finite groups.
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4), 200(1):337–362, 2021.



A remarkable result of Thompson states that a finite group is soluble if and only if all its two-generated subgroups are soluble. This result has been generalized in numerous ways, and it is in the core of a wide area of research in the theory of groups, aiming for global properties of groups from local properties of two-generated (or more generally, n-generated) subgroups. We contribute an extension of Thompson’s theorem from the perspective of factorized groups. More precisely, we study finite groups G = AB with subgroups A, B such that ⟨a, b⟩ is soluble for all aA and bB. In this case, the group G is said to be an S-connected product of the subgroups A and B for the class S of all finite soluble groups. Our Main Theorem states that G = AB is S-connected if and only if [A, B] is soluble. In the course of the proof, we derive a result about independent primes regarding the soluble graph of almost simple groups that might be interesting in its own right.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D40, 20D10

Keywords: Solubility, products of subgroups, two-generated subgroups, S-connection, almost simple groups, independent primes

Charla de Ana Martínez Pastor en «Finite groups in Valencia», 30/03/2021, 17.40

Mar ’21

El próximo 30 de marzo de 2021 de 17.40 a 18.25, Ana Martínez Pastor pronunciará la charla «Hall-like theorems in products of π-decomposable groups» en el congreso Finite groups in Valencia. Más información en

Paper «Products of groups and class sizes of π-elements» published in Mediterr. J. Math.

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M. J. Felipe, A. Martínez-Pastor, V. M. Ortiz-Sotomayor.
Products of groups and class sizes of π-elements.
Mediterr. J. Math., 17(1):Paper No. 15, 20, 2020.



We provide structural criteria for some finite factorised groups G=AB when the conjugacy class sizes in G of certain π-elements in AB are either π-numbers or π′-numbers, for a set of primes π. In particular, we extend for products of groups some earlier results.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D40, 20E45, 20D20

Keywords: finite group; products of groups; conjugacy classes, π-structure

Paper «The Dπ-property on products of π-decomposable groups» published in Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM

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L. S. Kazarin, A. Martínez-Pastor, and M. D. Pérez-Ramos.
The Dπ-property on products of π-decomposable groups.
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM, 115(1):Paper No. 13, 18, 2021.



The aim of this paper is to prove the following result: Let π be a set of odd primes. If the group G = AB is the product of two π-decomposable subgroups A = Aπ × Aπ′ and B = Bπ × Bπ′, then G has a unique conjugacy class of Hall π-subgroups, and any π-subgroup is contained in a Hall π-subgroup (i.e. G satisfies property Dπ).

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D40; 20D20; 20E32

Keywords: finite groups; product of subgroups; π-structure; simple groups

Paper «Products of finite connected subgroups» published in Mathematics

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María Pilar Gállego, Peter Hauck, Lev S. Kazarin, Ana Martínez-Pastor, and María Dolores Pérez-Ramos.
Products of finite connected subgroups.
Mathematics, 18(9):1498 (8 pages), 2020.



For a non-empty class of groups L, a finite group G=AB is said to be an L-connected product of the subgroups A and B if ⟨a,b⟩∈L for all aA and bB. In a previous paper, we prove that, for such a product, when L=S is the class of finite soluble groups, then [A,B] is soluble. This generalizes the theorem of Thompson that states the solubility of finite groups whose two-generated subgroups are soluble. In the present paper, our result is applied to extend to finite groups previous research about finite groups in the soluble universe. In particular, we characterize connected products for relevant classes of groups, among others, the class of metanilpotent groups and the class of groups with nilpotent derived subgroup. Additionally, we give local descriptions of relevant subgroups of finite groups.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D40, 20E45, 20D20, 20D60

Keywords: finite groups; products of subgroups; two-generated subgroups; L-connection; Fitting classes; Fitting series; formations

Paper «On products of groups and indices not divisible by a given prime» published in Monatsh. Math.

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María José Felipe, Lev S. Kazarin, Ana Martínez-Pastor, and Víctor Sotomayor.
On products of groups and indices not divisible by a given prime.
Comm. Algebra, 193(4):811–827, 2020.



Let the group G = AB be the product of subgroups A and B, and let p be a prime. We prove that p does not divide the conjugacy class size (index) of each p-regular element of prime power order xAB if and only if G is p-decomposable, i.e. G=Op(G) × Op’(G).

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D40, 20E45, 20D20, 20D60

Keywords: Finite groups; products of groups; conjugacy classes; p-structure; prime graph; almost simple groups

Paper «Zeros of irreducible characters in factorized groups» published in Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4)

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M. J. Felipe, A. Martínez-Pastor, V. M. Ortiz-Sotomayor.
Zeros of irreducible characters in factorised groups.
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4), 198(1):129–142, 2019.



An element g of a finite group G is said to be vanishing in G if there exists an irreducible character χ of G such that χ(g) = 0; in this case, g is also called a zero of G. The aim of this paper is to obtain structural properties of a factorised group G = AB when we impose some conditions on prime power order elements gAB which are (non-)vanishing in G.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D40, 20C15, 20E45

Keywords: Finite groups, products of groups, irreducible characters, conjugacy classes, vanishing elements

Paper «On finite groups with square-free conjugacy class sizes» published in Int. J. Group Theory

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María José Felipe, Ana Martínez-Pastor, Víctor-Manuel Ortiz-Sotomayor

On finite groups with square-free conjugacy class sizes

Int. J. Group Th., 7 (2):17-24, 2018



We report on finite groups having square-free conjugacy class sizes, in particular in the framework of factorised groups.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 20E45. Secondary: 20D40, 20D10, 20D20

Keywords: finite group, conjugacy class, factorised group