Talk «Carter and Gaschütz theories revisited» by María Dolores Pérez-Ramos at Ischia Online Group Theory Conference (GOThIC), 09/12/2021, 18.00

Dic ’21

The Organizing Committee of the  Ischia Online Group Theory Conference(GOThIC) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
– The TIME OF THE TALK is 18:00 CET (CET = UTC + 1). 
– You  are  welcome to  share  the  Zoom  link with  other  interested parties, but PLEASE DO NOT POST THE LINK PUBLICLY.
– When joining, please  MAKE SURE THAT YOUR NICKNAME IS  YOUR NAME ANDSURNAME, or  close to it, so  that the organisers can recognise you and let you in.
TOPIC: GOThIC – Ischia Online Group Theory Conference –  (
TIME: Thursday December 9th, 2021 18:00 CET (UTC+1). 
COFFEE BREAK: The  talk will start at 18:00 CET.  The conference roomwill open at 17:45 CET for a drink – Bring Your Own appropriate drink – biscuits appreciated – and join us for some smalltalk before the event.
SPEAKER: Maria Dolores Pérez -Ramos (Universitat de València)
TITLE: Carter and Gaschütz theories revisited

ABSTRACT: Classical results from the theory of finite soluble groups state that Carter subgroups, i.e. self-normalizing nilpotent subgroups, coincide with nilpotent projectors and with nilpotent covering subgroups, and they form a non-empty conjugacy class of subgroups, in soluble groups. We present an extension of these facts to π-separable groups, for sets of primes π, by proving the existence of a conjugacy class of subgroups in π-separable groups, which specialize to Carter subgroups within the universe of soluble groups.

The approach runs parallel to the extension of Hall theory from soluble to π-separable groups by Cunihin, regarding existence and properties of Hall subgroups. Our Carter-like subgroups enable an extension of the existence and conjugacy of injectors associated to Fitting classes to π-separable groups, in the spirit of the role of Carter subgroups in the theory of soluble groups. This is joint work with M. Arroyo-Jordá, P. Arroyo-Jordá, R. Dark and A.D. Feldman.

Talk «On products of π-decomposable groups and Hall-like theorems» by Ana Martínez-Pastor at 2021 Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference, 04/06/2021, 15.15

Jun ’21

Ana Martínez Pastor will give the talk «On products of π-decomposable groups and Hall-like theorems» at 2021 Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference, online, on 04/06/2021 at 15.15. More information:

Talk «On the computability of the abelian kernel of an inverse semigroup» by Vicent Pérez-Calabuig at 2021 Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference, 28/05/2021, 15.50

May ’21

Vicent Pérez-Calabuig will give the talk «On the computability of the abelian kernel of an inverse semigroup» at 2021 Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference, online, on 28/05/2021 at 15.50. More information:

Poster presentation «An approach to skew left braces via triply factorised groups», Ramón Esteban-Romero, Ischia Group Theory 2020/2021, 26/03/2021, 09.55

Mar ’21

Ramón Esteban Romero will present his poster «An approach to skew left braces via triply factorised groups» in Ischia Group Theory 2020/2021, online, on 26/03/2021, from 09.55 to 10.00. More information:

Talk «Triply factorised groups and skew left braces» at Ischia Online Group Theory Conference (GOThIC) on 19th November, 2020

Nov ’20

The organising committee of the
Ischia Online Group Theory Conference(GOThIC)
is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


– The TIME OF THE TALK is 17:00 CET = UTC + 1.

– You are welcome to share the Zoom link with other interested

– When joining, please MAKE SURE THAT YOUR NICKNAME
IS YOUR NAME AND SURNAME, or close to it, so that the organisers
can recognise you and let you in

The Ischia Group Theory 2020 Conference
( was planned
for 30 March – 4 April 2020. It has now been postponed.
In the meantime, we are offering a series of online lectures
by leading researchers (

TIME: November 19th, 2020 17:00 CET (UTC+1)

COFFEE BREAK: The talk will start at 17:00 CET. The conference room
will open at 16:45 CET for a coffee break
– Bring Your Own tea/coffee mug – biscuits appreciated –
and join us for some smalltalk before the event.

SPEAKER: Ramon Esteban-Romero (Universitat de València)

TITLE: Triply factorised groups and skew left braces


The Yang-Baxter equation is a consistency equation of the statistical mechanics proposed by Yang [6] and Baxter [1] that describes the interaction of many particles in some scattering situations. This equation lays the foundation for the theory of quantum groups and Hopf algebras. During the last years, the study suggested by Drinfeld [2] of the so-called set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation has motivated the appearance of many algebraic structures. Among these structures we find the skew left braces, in troduced by Guarnieri and Vendramin [3] as a generalisation of the structure of left brace defined by Rump [4]. It consists of a set B with two operations + and ·, not necessarily commutative, that give B two structures of group linked by a modified distributive law.

The multiplicative group C = (B, ·) of a skew left brace (B, +, ·) acts on the multiplicative group K = (B, +) by means of an action λ: C −→ Aut(K) given by λ(a)(b) = −a + a · b, for a, b ∈ B. With respect to this action, the identity map δ : C −→ K becomes a derivation or 1-cocycle with respect to λ. In the semidirect product G = [K]C = {(k, c) | k ∈ K, c ∈ C}, there is a diagonal-type subgroup D = {(δ(c), c) | c ∈ C} such that G = KD = CD, K ∩ D = C ∩ D = 1. This approach was presented by Sysak in [5] and motivates the use of techniques of group theory to study skew left braces.

We present in this talk some applications of this approach to obtain some results about skew left braces. These results have been obtained in collaboration with Adolfo Ballester-Bolinches.

Recorded talks:

Talk «Thompson-like characterization of solubility for products of groups» at 2020 Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference

May ’20

María Dolores Pérez Ramos will give the talk entitled

Thompson-like characterization of solubility for products of groups

at the 2020 Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference online on 29th May 2020 at 15.55. The link for the talk and its recording appear on


A remarkable result of Thompson states that a finite group is soluble if
and only if its two-generated subgroups are soluble. This result has been
sharply generalized, and it is in the core of a wide area of study in the theory
of groups, aiming for global properties of groups from local properties of two-
generated (or more generally, n-generated) subgroups. We report about an
extension of Thompson’s theorem from the perspective of factorized groups.
We prove that for a finite group G = AB, with A, B subgroups of G, if ha, bi
is soluble for all a ∈ A and all b ∈ B, then [A, B] is soluble. In that case, the
group G is said to be an S-connected product of the subgroups A and B, for
the class S of all finite soluble groups. As an application, deep results about
connected products of finite soluble groups, for other relevant classes of
groups, are extended to the finite universe. Collaboration with M. P. Gállego (U.
Zaragoza, Spain), P. Hauck (U. Tübingen, Germany), L. Kazarin (U. Yaroslavl,
Russia), A. Martı́nez-Pastor (U. Politècnica de València, Spain) .