International Conference «Classes of Groups, Algebras and their Applications» dedicated to the memory of Leonid A. Shemetkov, Gomel, Belarus, 3-6 July, 2014

Jul ’14Jul

L. A. ShemetkovThe International Algebraic Conference «Classes of Groups, Algebras and their Applications», dedicated to the memory of Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Honoured Scientist of Belarus, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Leonid Alexandrovich Shemetkov will be held in Gomel on July 3-6, 2014.

Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee M.V. Sel’kin

Program Committee Chairman A.N. Skiba

Executive Secretary V.A. Kovaleva

Adolfo Ballester-Bolinches and Ramón Esteban-Romero belong to the programme committee.

Fallecimiento del profesor Shemetkov / Death of Professor Shemetkov

Lamentamos comunicaros que el día 24 de marzo de 2013 falleció el profesor Leonid Alexandrovich Shemetkov. El profesor Shemetkov ha liderado la escuela de teoría de grupos de Gomel (Bielorrusia). Es autor de los libros «Formaciones de grupos finitos» y «Formaciones de sistemas algebraicos» (este último en colaboración con su discípulo A. N. Skiba), así como de más de un centenar de artículos científicos. Ha colaborado con nuestro equipo de investigación y nos ha visitado en varias ocasiones. Su funeral será el día 26 de marzo.

Enlace a la entrada en la Wikipedia (en ruso)

Enlace a la necrológica en la página web de Universidad Estatal de Gomel «Frantsisk Skorina» (en ruso)


We are very sorry to communicate you that on 24th March, 2013, Professor Leonid Alexandrovich Shemetkov passed away. Professor Shemetkov has leaded the Gomel School of Group Theory (Belarus). He authored the books «Formations of finite groups» and «Formations of algebraic systems» (this last book written in cooperation with his student Alexander N. Skiba), as well as more than one hundred scientific papers. He has collaborated with our research team and he has visited us in many occasions. His funeral will be on 26th March.

Link to the Wikipedia entry (in Russian)

Link to the obituary on the Gomel State University «Frantsisk Skorina» web page (in Russian)