Paper «On large orbits of supersoluble subgroups of linear groups» published in J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2)

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H. Meng, A. Ballester-Bolinches, and R. Esteban-Romero.
On large orbits of supersoluble subgroups of linear groups.
J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2), 101(2):490–504, 2020.



We prove that if G is a finite soluble group, V is a finite faithful completely reducible G-module, and H is a supersoluble subgroup of G, then H has at least one regular orbit on VV.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20C15, 20D10, 20D45

Keywords: linear group, regular orbit, supersoluble group

Paper «On products of generalised supersoluble finite groups» published in Mediterr. J. Math.

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A. Ballester-Bolinches, J. Cossey, H. Meng, M. C. Pedraza-Aguilera.
On products of generalised supersoluble finite groups
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4), 198(3):811–819, 2019.



In this paper, mutually sn-permutable subgroups of groups belonging to a class of generalised supersoluble groups are studied. Some analogs of known theorems on mutually sn-permutable products are established.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20

Keywords: Finite group, supersoluble group, Sn-permutability, factorisation

Paper «On two classes of finite supersoluble groups» published in Comm. Algebra

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W. M. Fakieh, R. A. Hijazi, A. Ballester-Bolinches, J. C. Beidleman

On two classes of finite supersoluble groups

Comm. Algebra., 46 (3):1110-1115, 2018



Let Z be a complete set of Sylow subgroups of a finite group G, that is, a set composed of a Sylow p-subgroup of G for each p dividing the order of G. A subgroup H of G is called Z-S-semipermutable if H permutes with every Sylow p-subgroup of G in Z for all p not in π(H); H is said to be Z-S-seminormal if it is normalized by every Sylow p-subgroup of G in Z for all p not in π(H). The main aim of this paper is to characterize the Z-MS-groups, or groups G in which the maximal subgroups of every Sylow subgroup in Z are Z-S-semipermutable in G and the Z-MSN-groups, or groups in which the maximal subgroups of every Sylow subgroup in Z are Z-S-seminormal in G.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10; 20D20; 20D35; 20D40

Keywords: Finite group; permutability; soluble group; supersoluble group; Sylow sets

Paper “Some Results on Products of Finite Groups” published in Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.

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Adolfo Ballester-Bolinches, Luis M. Ezquerro, A. A. Heliel, and M. M. Al-Shomrani

Some results on products of finite groups

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 40(3):1341–1351, 2017


Subgroups A and B of a finite group are said to be mutually permutable (respectively, M-permutable and sn-permutable) if A permutes with every subgroup (respectively, every maximal subgroup and every subnormal subgroup) of B and viceversa. If every subgroup of A permutes with every subgroup of B, then the product is said to be totally permutable. These kinds of products have received much attention in the last twenty years. The aim of this paper is to analyse the behaviour of finite pairwise mutually permutable, mutually M-permutable, mutually sn-permutable and totally permutable products with respect to certain classes of groups including the supersoluble groups, widely supersoluble groups, and also the classes of PST-, PT– and T-groups.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20D10, 20D20, 20D40

Keywords: Finite group, Permutability, Products of groups,  Supersoluble group




Paper “Triple Factorizations and Supersolubility of Finite Groups” published on Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc.

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Adolfo Ballester-Bolinches and Luis M. Ezquerro.

Triple factorizations and supersolubility of finite groups.

Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2), 59(2):301–309, 2016.


In this paper we analyse the structure of a finite group of minimal order among the finite non-supersoluble groups possessing a triple factorization by supersoluble subgroups of pairwise relatively prime indices. As an application we obtain some sufficient conditions for a triple factorized group by supersoluble subgroups of pairwise relatively prime indices to be supersoluble. Many results appear as consequences of our analysis.

Keywords: Finite group, Supersoluble group, Factorization

Paper «On the abnormal structure of finite groups» published in Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The following paper has been published.

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Adolfo Ballester-Bolinches, John Cossey, Ramón Esteban-Romero

On the abnormal structure of finite groups

Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana., 30, 13-24 (2014)

Abstract: We study finite groups in which every maximal subgroup is supersoluble or normal. Our results answer some questions arising from papers of Asaad and Rose.

MSC: 20D10, 20D05, 20F16
Keywords: Finite group, supersoluble group, maximal subgroup